The Orange Roamin´ Elks is a Lodge Camper Club that was established on July 6,1984. To be a member of the Orange Roamin´ Elks you must be a current member of a Southern California Elks Lodge. We have one camp out a month, usually on the 3rd weekend of the month and can travel up to 100 miles. We have "dark" months when there is no camping, currently during May, July, August, and December, subject to change.
Anyone may attend one camp out as a non-member to visit before joining the club. Our annual dues are $25.00, payable by March 1st of each year. Meetings are held on the first Friday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the lodge room, unless otherwise specified. All guests are Welcome!!
We have one fundraiser a year at the lodge which is our Chili Cook-Off. This event is held on the last Sunday in the month of October. The Chili Cook-off has both Mild and Hot entries, with awards for First, Second and Third place handed out in both categories.
If you like to camp and have camaraderie with other Elks and campers, come join us once a month for a fun time and adventure. If you are interested in joining us contact one of our officers. For more information, please write to  |